We are now settled in to our new premises!

Units 6-9, Old Great North Road, Sutton on Trent, NG23 6QS


Insurance Claim Management

Managing insurance claims for customers that own classic cars, such as Volkswagen (VW) camper vans, can be a unique challenge for insurers and owners alike. These vehicles are often highly valued by their owners and may require specialised repairs or replacement parts.


For Owners

181 Classic Motors are here to reduce the time and stress of your insurance claim. No more time spent on phone calls and emails. We will handle the process from start to finish on your behalf. We will prepare the estimate of works required to your beloved classic, submit this to your insurance company and liaise directly with them. Once approved we will manage all of the necessary repair work including using specialised trades and sourcing unique parts. We will communicate with the insurers on your behalf to ensure an efficient stress-free service for all.

Once all the repairs are complete, we will liaise with the insurance company and contact you when everything is in order. You can then collect your treasured vehicle or we can arrange for it to be transported directly home to you. Throughout the whole process we will keep you updated and provide a live photo link to view the work in progress.


For Insurance Companies

We can help insurers understand the cost of repairs or replacement. It is important to have a clear understanding of the value of the classic vehicle in question so that you can properly assess the cost of any damage and ensure that the customer is properly compensated.

At 181 Classic Motors we have a wealth of specialised experience and knowledge of classic vehicles. We understand that it can be difficult to find the right place to send your customers vehicles for repair and that a modern garage may not have the bespoke knowledge required to carry out such repairs. It is important to work with mechanics or body shops that have experience working with classic cars. These vehicles often require specialised knowledge and skills in order to be repaired properly. Owners may also be looking for a specialist who can restore the car to its original condition.

It is important factor to consider is the availability of replacement parts. Classic cars, including VW camper vans, are often no longer in production, which means that replacement parts may be difficult to source. This will need to be taken into account when assessing damage and determining the cost of repairs. In some cases, it may be necessary to find specialised shops or even individual craftsmen who can produce replacement parts, which can be time-consuming and more expensive than finding parts for a modern car. At 181 Classic Motors we are experienced in sourcing hard to find parts and have long-standing relationships with reliable suppliers and specialist trades to make this process much easier and more efficient

We will supply you as the insurer a comprehensive written estimate of work required to the classic vehicle and ensure good customer relations are maintained on your behalf. We also have a close relationship with a transport company and can arrange collection and transportation of vehicles directly to us.

Managing insurance claims for classic car owners and insurers, including those that own VW camper vans, requires a unique set of considerations. a clear understanding of the value of the vehicle, the availability of replacement parts, mechanics and body shops that have experience with classic cars and be sensitive to the emotional attachment that many classic car owners have to their vehicles.

At 181 Classic Motors we understand and are here to help.

If you are a customer, please get in touch for advice.

If you are an insurance company or insurance assessor, please contact us for further advice on the services we offer.

NEW! Classic Car Tyre Fitting Service

We are delighted to now offer this service directly to our customers.

Your classic or vintage car deserves the best care, which means you need the best tyre fit for your vehicle. Get the most from your classic by getting your tyres fitted by enthusiasts and professionals here at 181 Classic Motors.

When it comes to choosing the right tyre for your classic car, there are a lot of things to consider. We will work within your budget to give you options that also consider tread pattern, traction and durability. We will source the tyres of your choice and fit them on-site.

We also offer a range of safety check services, including tyre pressure checks and wheel alignment.

We have built a good relationship with a local Tyre Recycling Company so you can rest assured that your old tyres are also safely and considerately disposed of.

For more details – give us a call or drop by to say hello!


GPO Transport and Recovery


Many of you will already know that we have a strong relationship with  GPO Transport and Recovery. We have worked together for many years and cannot thank Gary enough for providing us with a trustworthy, friendly and reliable service for ourselves and our customers. Here at 181, we consider GPO part of our team.

If, for any reason, you are unable to drop off or collect your vehicle, we are very happy to recommend GPO Transport. You can be assured that your vehicle will be in safe hands and taken care of as if it was their own.

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If you would like to find out more please visit their website



One issue with our classic vehicles which appears to be one of the most controversial and arguably one of the most important is fuel lines.

We’ve all seen those shocking pictures of someone’s pride and joy burnt out or badly fire damaged by the side of the road or even worse, by the side of your home and then read the ensuing comments of conflicting advice, information, arguments and opinions.

What we are about to show you and explain is based on over 30 years of experience working on, restoring and servicing all aspects of classic motoring.

Firstly, why do we need to check our fuel lines?

Due to environmental issues, cost implications and a host of other reasons, modern day fuel contains high levels of Ethanol (A renewable alcohol based fuel) which burns more cleanly than traditional petrol and has an increased octane rating. These are the positive sides to ethanol use in fuel.

The negatives are that it contains less energy than traditional fuel so you get less miles to the gallon and it absorbs water, even from condensation. The most severe issue when it comes to our classic vehicle engines however is that ethanol is corrosive and can slowly eat through cork and rubber seals and hoses. Modern day engines are built to withstand this and so it is much less of an issue.

When we leave our vehicles stood for long periods of time as is often the case with classics and campers, which may not be used during the colder months, modern fuel can sit eating away at fuel lines and corroding the joins and seals around fuel filters and carbs etc.

When this happens and the conditions are just right, fuel may leak from these hoses and slowly drip in and around your vehicle.  As the fuel is evaporating it converts to gas and this is where we can run in to potentially devastating problems.  All it takes is a spark and this gas and fuel can ignite.

There are obvious advantages to using premium unleaded fuels as these contain much less Ethanol (and in some cases zero).  A quick google on ‘UK ethanol free fuels’ can help you to find the best fuel for your vehicle.  However, it is often unavoidable and clearly more expensive.

So how can we reduce the risk and prevent potential fires?

Checking fuel lines is a crucial part of maintenance and something which is included in all our vehicle Health Checks which you can find out more about here:

Replacing old hoses and ensuring a proper tight seal is key to preventing fuel leaks. We only use barbed fuel filters and premium jubilee clips to attach hoses. These barbs make It virtually impossible to remove the hoses from the filter and so significantly reduce any risk of them slipping free and causing any leaks.

Now the question of fuel filter placement. Where is the best place to fit a fuel filter? We will use a late VW bay window in this example, but the reasons and explanations apply to any vehicle really.

Placing the filter in the engine bay:

Traditionally fuel filters have been fitted in our engine bays and both fuel lines and filters are easily accessible for maintenance and checking. In all our years of experience, we have never had a single filter/hose fail and cause a fire as a result of fitting them here. This is because regular checking and replacement of old hoses, seals and filters is both convenient and obvious every time you open your engine bay.

Placing the filter underneath your vehicle and away from the engine bay:

Positioning filters outside of the engine bay and underneath your vehicle has the advantage of being well ventilated. This means that should a leak develop; fuel will drip out under the vehicle and dissipate into the surrounding air reducing the risk of building up as gas inside your engine bay. Of course, with regular checks and proper maintenance this should not be an issue. This is no guarantee that a fire can’t occur as If the vehicle is stationary, gasses could still build up and any sparks could still combust leaking fuel. The disadvantage of this placement is that you are far less likely to notice any issues with fuel lines and filters when they are hidden. Unless you have a ramp or remember to crawl underneath your vehicle, you are likely to forget about them and this is when you may run into issues.

So, in our opinion, we prefer to install fuel filters properly in the engine bay where they can be easily maintained and checked for any issues. However, if you prefer for a filter to be relocated underneath your vehicle, we are happy to do this for you. There is no right and wrong placement, only pros and cons to both. The key thing and best way to reduce any risk is to check regularly and replace fuel lines and filters.

For any information or help replacing fuel lines or filters, please don’t hesitate to call, email or visit us at our workshop in Newark Nottinghamshire. We are just off the A46 and A1 and always happy to talk to fellow enthusiasts about the vehicles we hold so dear.




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Exempt From MOT?

Is  your vehicle over 40 years old? You may be exempt from needing an MOT (registration & exemptions apply). It remains your responsibility to keep your vehicle in a road worthy condition.  We have put some thought into this and we can now offer you a vehicle Health Check  that is tailor made to classic vehicles & will give you the peace of mind that over 28 thorough checks have been carried out on your pride & joy.

Click Here for further for details of what’s included.

You can find out more about exemption, registration & exclusions here


It’s almost the season to be out on the road again and we know you’ll be feeling eager to ensure your vehicle is in tiptop condition…

We offer bespoke service packages designed to meet the need of you and your classic vehicle. Don’t delay and book in today to avoid any delays.